
➡️ Empower Hour 1:1 Strategy Session

Need help but not ready to invest in a service or package? Book a 60-minute 1:1 session with Annette. You have the flexibility to choose whatever will be most helpful to you right now.

➡️ Online Presence Accelerator - 2-Week Intensive

The 14-day intensive package includes two 1:1 sessions with Annette, ongoing access via voice messaging, and Google Docs to share ideas, homework, etc.

➡️ Online Presence Maximizer Package

If you’re like most people, you need more than one session. You can use the 4-session custom coaching package for LinkedIn training, help with content creation strategies, or video coaching.

➡️ 25-Minute Strategy Session

Have you ever wanted to just “pick my brain” about your most pressing challenge, this might be for you.

➡️ Video Coaching

Video is the fastest way to quickly build the know, like, and trust factor with potential clients. Video is also a great way to share your knowledge as information and edutainment.

➡️ Content Creation Strategies

Want to share your own original content on LinkedIn BUT you don’t know where to get started? Or do you need some training in Canva? Let me teach you.

➡️ LinkedIn Profile Writing

Potential clients aren’t just interested in your business; they want to get to know you. A compelling About section, a Headline that sells you, and a custom background image all contribute to that know, like, and trust factor that makes people want to hire you. LinkedIn Profile Lite focuses on building your personal brand by developing those key areas.

➡️ LinkedIn Profile Banner (Only)

Enhance your personal brand and or business with a custom LinkedIn profile banner. While the current pale green default background looks better than the previous iteration, it’s not a good look. Neither is a random photo that looks pretty but doesn’t advance your presence on LinkedIn.

➡️ Group Training

Training is offered in 2 main areas: LinkedIn and content creation strategies. Contact me to learn more and book your team training.

➡️ Online Programs

Online programs are the best way to make them available to a wider audience. With that in mind, I’ll be presenting a variety of programs live. You can also access on-demand programs and guides on Thinkific.
