Online Presence Accelerator – 2 Week Intensive

The 2-Week Intensive package is an effective way to work on whatever area you are struggling with right now. You will have the opportunity to work with Annette for 14 days via messenger as well as two 1:1 Zoom sessions.

What You Can Expect

The 14-day package includes two 1:1 sessions with Annette, ongoing access via voice messaging, and Google Docs to share ideas, homework, etc.

Week 1

  • 60-minute 1:1 with Annette via Zoom
  • Begin 1st-week access via messenger
  • Exchange ideas, homework, etc. via Google Docs

Week 2

  • 30-minute follow-up with Annette via Zoom
  • Begin the final week of access via messenger
  • Finish work in Google Docs

No need to take notes. You’ll receive recordings of your sessions.

