Content Marketing Resources for Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs

If you’re looking for some help with your content creation and marketing strategies, you’ve come to the right place. I created these guides and other resources for you.  Please feel free to download one or all of them.

25 Content Ideas To Kickstart Your Social Media Posts

Most people say they don’t post on social media because they don’t know what to say. If that sounds like you, start turning that around today by downloading my guide. (Free)

20 Techniques To Help You Create Copy Like A Pro

In this guide, you’ll find 10 proofreading tips and 10 ways to improve your writing style, learned in my role as a magazine writer. Elevate your writing by downloading my guide. (Free)

Social Media Video Cheat Sheet - Save Time (And Frustration)

Techniques to create compelling video content. Learn recording and editing strategies to save time and frustration, social media formats, and free smartphone apps.   (Free)

Elite Innovator Office Hours

Join me for Elite Innovator Office Hours for Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs. Bring questions, share your expertise, build community. 3rd Friday of each month. (Free)

Equipment Recommendations

Creating content like videos, doesn’t require spending $100’s in  equipment. Here’s a list my favorites on amazon. (These are affiliate links so I might make a little, buy them directly from amazon if you prefer)

LinkedIn Lives / Other Events

Each week experts join me on Content Marketing School to take a deep dive into proven strategies, insightful tips, and expert advice specifically for coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs.
